Sunday 12 August 2018

Algorithms and Programming What Is It?

Algorithms and Programming are now being studied throughout the world and are one of the compulsory programs in schools and college. If you are in college, Algorithms and Programming are compulsory subjects for those who take Informatics, Information Systems, Computer Engineering and even Electrical Engineering.

For Informatics majors such as at Binus campus, this matkul weighs 6 credits, which means that it determines the student's IP value. This subject is also feared by many students because it is quite difficult.

1. A Brief History of Algorithms

The algorithm was discovered by a middle eastern scientist in the era of Islamic civilization named Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi (780-850 AD) and the word Algorithm (English: Algorithm) according to some scientists was later taken from his name namely Al-Khwarizmi. In terms of language, the algorithm comes from the word algorithmism which means the calculation is in Arabic numerals but historians have difficulty finding the origin of this term until they finally find that the algorithm / algorithm comes from the name of the inventor mentioned above.

2. Definition of Algorithms

Algorithms can be briefly defined as Systematic and Logical Steps in solving a problem. With the concept of Algorithm, a problem must be solved systematically, logically and can be tested right or wrong.

Because Algorithms are a concept, of course everyone can have different algorithms on the same problem. For example there is a problem X and the solution is Y, then each person can get Y with their algorithm, not necessarily the same but produce the same output, Y.

In practice the application of the algorithm must be efficient. Efficient here means Fast, Right and Simple. Like the case of making computer software, software made with a good algorithm will produce software that is efficient, has not many bugs and does not eat much memory that is not necessary for example.

Presentation Algorithms are usually contained in the form of Pseudocode, Flowchart, and Diagrams.

For example, we want to create an application to calculate the area of ​​a triangle. Then the algorithm can be written as follows:

Input the base length
The long input is high
input the mathematical formula: 1/2 x base x height
Show results
The algorithm above is then written into programming languages ​​such as (C, C ++, java, Python, PHP, etc.) as needed.

for example in PHP

wide function Triangle ($ base, $ high) {
    $ broad = 1/2 * $ alas * $ high;

    broad return;

$ alas = 4;
$ high = 5;

echo wide Triangle ($ base, $ high);

3. Programming

Programming is the process of creating a Program with Algorithms + Programming Languages. A Software can only be realized if it is made with Algorithms and Programming Languages.

The steps taken in general programming are:

- Define Problems
- Gather needs (requirements)
- Create Algorithms and Structure of the Settlement Method
- Writing programs with programming languages
- Program Testing and Verification
- Program Implementation / Installation
- Program documentation
- Program Maintenance
We can choose any programming language we want and master. But of course not all programming languages ​​match the existing problems and we are obliged to find out which one fits and suits our needs.

For example to make an Android App we can choose the Java programming language, for iOS apps we use Swift and Objective-C, for our Website we can use PHP or Javascript, make games using C ++ etc.

In building applications (Software Engineering), the methods commonly used are Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Extreme Programming, Rapid Application Development Methodology and Spiral. I myself am happy with Scrum but sometimes I still use Waterfall.

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