Example of Simple 'Advance Where' Query Builder in Laravel
Laravel tips this time I will give a simple code example for Searching the database using Query Builder in laravel.For example, we want to Search in a table, say, the 'article' table. there may have been a code like this before
public static function getSearch ($ search = null) {
// is_publish: 0 = pending, 1 = published
$ result = DB :: table ('article')
-> where ('article.is_publish', '1')
-> where ('article.title', 'LIKE', '%'. $ search. '%')
-> orWhere ('article.content', 'LIKE', '%'. $ search. '%')
-> select ('*')
-> orderBy ('article.id', 'desc') -> paginate (10);
return $ result;
Query Scenario above is looking for WHERE article has been published (is_publish = 1) AND article title like '% ...%' OR article content like '% ...%'.
SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE` article`. `is_publish` = '1' AND `article '.` Title' LIKE '% search%' OR `article`.` Content` LIKE '% search%' ...
The query above is not an error but it will produce incorrect results where the article that is_publish = 0 also appears. To make it right, we must create a code like the following
public static function getSearch ($ search = null) {
// is_publish: 0 = pending, 1 = published
$ result = DB :: table ('article')
-> where ('article.is_publish', '1')
-> where (function ($ query) use ($ search) {
$ query-> where ('article.title', 'LIKE', '%'. $ search. '%')
-> orWhere ('article.content', 'LIKE', '%'. $ search. '%');
-> select ('*')
-> orderBy ('article.id', 'desc') -> paginate (10);
return $ result;
The above code will generate the following Raw query
SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE` article`. `is_publish` = '1' AND (`article`.` Title` LIKE '% search%' OR `article` .`content` LIKE '% search%') .. .
Note that we must use Closure
-> where (function ($ query) use ($ search) {
$ query-> where ('article.title', 'LIKE', '%'. $ search. '%')
-> orWhere ('article.content', 'LIKE', '%'. $ search. '%');
because we access variables outside the function.