Tips Error Handling Sederhana Pada Query Builder Laravel
If you prefer using the Query builder in Laravel instead of Eloquent, I'm on your side: D because I also use the query Builder for most Query activities in my Laravel Application.Well, usually the Coding default from birth might be: D, when the Insert, Update, Delete query might be something like this
public function doUpdate ($ data) {
$ data = array (
'name' => $ data ['name'],
'alamar' => $ data ['alamar']
// auth :: user () -> id: session logged user
$ update = DB :: table ('user') -> where ('user_id', Auth :: user () -> id)
-> update ($ data);
if ($ update)
return Redirect :: to ('user / profile');
// blablaa ...
or like this
public function doUpdate ($ data) {
$ data = array (
'name' => $ data ['name'],
'alamar' => $ data ['alamar']
// auth :: user () -> id: session logged user
$ update = DB :: table ('user') -> where ('user_id', Auth :: user () -> id)
-> update ($ data);
if (! $ update) {
// redirect with error
return Redirect :: to ('user / profile') -> with ('error_update', true);
return Redirect :: to ('user / profile');
To Update, Delete uses the query builder in laravel, the return is in the form of Affected rows. so the query above is not right and can cause problems.
We can simply handle this as well
public function doUpdate ($ data) {
$ data = array (
'name' => $ data ['name'],
'alamar' => $ data ['alamar']
// auth :: user () -> id: session logged user
try {
DB :: table ('user') -> where ('user_id', Auth :: user () -> id) -> update ($ data);
} catch (\ Exception $ e) {
// The log will be stored in STorage / logs / laravel.log
Log :: error ('Can not process update:'. $ E-> getMessage ());
// redirect with Error
return Redirect :: to ('user / profile') -> with ('error_update', true);
// redirect success
return Redirect :: to ('user / profile') -> with ('success_update', true);
with try catch we can determine when our query is successful or not